i wanted to draw this thing a long time ago
so I decided to finally do it🤷‍♀️(and now i'm tired af)

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I'm falling in love with ♡YOU♡!

Nuevamente vuelvo con John, jsjs pienso hacer redraw de algunos dibujitos de acá juju.

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I hate rendering, it sometimes ruins my drawing like this but I haven’t posted in a while and I feel like it’s about time I do. Please enjoy this John Doe zombie AU thingy I made today!

3 19

The coloring is so bad but like bare with me, i did this as soon as i got home

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I found some old WIP from October when I first started to draw Doe I just decided to colour them these were reactions of Doe finding Suki

4 50

At some point I finally took the time to finish this Doe

I have the urge to redo how I made it but it's fine XD

6 59

Redibuje esta reacción de Doe, tmb no me aguanté y le hice sin ropa xd Es un dibujo que olvidé subir antes xd

3 34


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John Doe con anillo de matriminion mal puesto pq él y yo estamos tontos

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Ví por ahí a un Doe con el pelo recogido como cebollita y quise dibujarlo así 😔♥️✨

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