Simon can wiggle his tail coat too, he just gets embarrassed when someone catches him doing it.

8 46

Human Vani and Guard AU

Human vani grew up with Fulgor and his ideals

Guard Vani, where the experiments work and Vani doesn't run away from the NSC

1 10

Finished my collabs work. Ahhhhhh!!!
I actually want to get more people to collabs but I don't have enough time and I'm lazy.¡-¡

9 66

Eating time ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ
two types of eaters. . . . . .eh? ◡̈⃝︎

Grateful . . . And that's it ⍢⃝

9 43

정말 좋아하는 영화인 '익스트림 스키야키(エクストリームスキヤキ)' 첫 장면 패러디
"그건 스키야키가 아니야"

10 67