Friendly reminder that you can just add them by yourself in Empires by making CAWs based on DW Blast characters (listed: Lu Kang, Gu Yong, Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Ke)

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Has this been done before? A Dragon Ball/Mortal Kombat mashup? Anyway, here are Trunks and Goten as Kung Lao and Liu Kang, respectively.

This wouldn’t exist without you!

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Marvel Comics & September 2021 Solicitations Spoilers: Avengers Stunned By The Winter HULK, Korvac, Winter Guard, Kang, Skaar, Young Avengers & More Across 15 Titles!

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"A sweet and tender tale that will touch the lives of children everywhere."

Love this review of This House is Home by , illust. by Yong Ling Kang, from :

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Un jour, la planète est envahie par des créatures inhumaines, nommées les “I-Ins”. Désormais, l’avenir de l’humanité dépend des “surhommes”, comme Kang, un lycéen tête en l'air avec une casquette blanche et un caleçon à pois, mais qui cache une force surpuissante ! 💪💪💪

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Baby Kang, Nathaniel Richards

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Aku gambar sederhana kayak gini aja ngabisin 8 jam. Udah ada referensinya, gak perlu waktu buat mikir basic basicnya. Bahkan aku buat ini tanpa latar belakang, pernak perniknya, alur ceritanya, dll. Ya lo pikir aja brou, satu chapter bisa puluhan sampai ratusan panel-

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Penemuan cebisan tulang belakang, leher, jari, pinggul dan ekor spinosauridae di Formasi Khok Kruat pada tahun 2004 serta tulang ekor di Formasi Sao Khua pada 2019 mempunyai persamaan struktur dengan spesies yang berasal dari Eropah, Baryonyx walkeri.

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Quantum Cultivation, written by my less handsome alter-ego, Jace Kang, is now live!

Cultivator Ryu has defeated demon beasts. Now, In future Kyoto, he must face cyborg assassins, power-armored marines, & alien invaders?
And, an extraterrestrial beauty?

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I mean since they’ve already cast Kang, let’s just throw in Immortus, Rama Tut, Scarlet Centurion, and Iron Lad to confuse the masses 😂😂

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On or Off: Volume 1 já está em pré-venda na Amazon, logo o desconto será aplicado, mas pode comprar sem medo. Lembrando que a Amazon só cobra quando enviar ^^

Vamos fazer que nem o Kang, e deixar ele lá em cima nas vendas ^^

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Dulu jaman SMP pke HP ini, bekas pny kakak. Suka banget sih sama HP ini, udah ada kamera depan, kamera belakang, akses internet bisa, ngegame bisa. Mode getarnya anjir banget sampe getarannya bikin HP-nya geser. Bahkan ni HP pernah jatoh gara-gara vibrate-nya 😂

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Open! 🐉 Adopt based on the dragons from Raya and the Last Dragon! 🐉
Meet Tukang, a male dragon from Kumandra, whose unique magic is magically delicious cooking. (If the buyer wishes to change his name, I will update it on the ref.)

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Mala masih di belakang, jadi dia suruh saya untuk menitipkan gambar ini

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Tambak belakang, tampak depan

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2021. 2 .1~2021. 6.31 논산 션샤인스튜디오에서 개인전 합니다:)
미스터션샤인 드라마와 콜라보한 일러스트 10점과 개인작업12점을 선보이니 많이 보러오세요:)

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Streamed myself drawing some Pokémon from memory!

Got some classics here, we drew Cookie Kang, and Peter Griffin Saur? Not too bad I’d say!

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Mortal Kombat (2021 film) character posters for Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, and Shang Tsung.

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Villains rumored or confirmed in next phase of the

1. Gorr, the God-Butcher
2. Kang, the Conqueror
3. Baron Zemo
4. What/whoever Eternals fight
5. The “real” Mandarin
6. Nightmare

So those of us hinting he still hasn’t been confirmed, though he’s not a stretch

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