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Les habla Hoshiko Sensei 🍡! Nos vemos hoy para nuestra cuarta clase de Japonés 💖!! Aprenderemos números y patrones de conversación 🥰 待てるニャン〜
#clasesdejapones #aprendejapones #n5 #JLPT #nihongo #japonesconzefie #VtuberES
Sedang membayangkan...
Moona dan Pekora collab main Keep talking and nobody explode lagi, tapi Nihongonya Moona udah lancar dan Englishnya Pekora juga udah lancar.
Bus or train? Which one should Riko use today to get to school? 🤔
どっち(docchi) means "which one?" in Japanese.
It's a question word that's very useful when talking about comparisons. 🥰
Check out lesson 38 of kawaiiNihongo to learn more about that. 🦊
Artist: @hirokiart
りこは一番! 🥳
Riko is the best!
一番 (いちばん/ichiban) means "Number one". 🦊
Combined with an adjective it becomes "the cutest", "the fastest" or "the greatest" for example.
Check out lesson 39 of kawaiiNihongo to learn more grammar. ❤️
Artist: @hirokiart
Don't anger Riko! 😡
When Riko gets really angry, you can even see 電気 (でんき/denki) around her! 😱
電気 means "electricity". Lesson 37 of kawaiiNihongo teaches you more words and also - grammar! (Very important).
So make sure to check it out. 🦊
Artist : @KanaYukino_
This Sunday
"Yotsubato!" reading group
Open to Japanese learners (beginners)
Please join us on Discord
#日本語 #nihongo #よつばと #yotsuba
Riko and Aoi met Yuuji on the 電車 (でんしゃ/densha). 🦊
電車 means "train" in Japanese.
Do you need to ride the 電車 to get to school or work, too? 🚄
Check out lesson 37 of kawaiiNihongo! 🥰
Artist: @RezoSempai
Os matcaps do Sakaki Kaoru são muito bons. Dá pra ter um preview legal. Valeu a pena eu tentar assistir as streams dele em nihongo.
How are you guys dealing with 夏 (なつ/natsu)? 🥵
Is it your favorite time of the year?
夏 means "summer". ☀️
You can learn the Japanese words for the seasons in kawaiiNihongo. 夏 - for example - appears in lesson 38! 🦊
Second guy with big tits of the day is Nihongou from Touken Ranbu ✨
He is dilf-flavoured
As we translators say, IADOTC (it all depends on the context).
そうきたか!can mean either essentially なるほど or まさか depending on if the person saying it is reacting to something they see as making perfect sense or if they are taken aback. #AmTranslating #nihongo
Yuuji is definitely more 高い (たかい/takai) than Riko. 🤔
高い can mean "tall", but also "expensive" or "high".
Learn how to compare two people to each other in lesson 38 of kawaiiNihongo. 🦊
Artist: @xephyrks
Bora pra mais uma live de nihongo? LIVE ON! 日本語を学ぼう!https://t.co/WGCaOEcQcW
#VTuber #VTuberbr #Learningjapanese #languages
Very bad attempt at translating this little comic I like.
My nihongo isn't jouzu enough yet😢
Please go support this artist, they make some great pieces. https://t.co/CdxKsLIRh0
OH RIGHT I FORGET THAT NIHONGOU RETURNED FROM TRAINING. He looks amazing with rainbow and all 😍
I did a late welcome back party for him with expensive sake~
Because Riko is ill, she needs to take medicine. 🥺
In Japanese, you use the word "から" (kara) for "because". kawaiiNihongo has two lessons on this, because there are multiple ways to use this word. 🦊
Make sure to check out both! 🥰
Artist: @hirokiart
Yesterday's live broadcast was soooooo cute....🤦♀️💞
Tamago ga sukina Raikun kawaikatta...🍳🍴(It's cute that he likes eggs..)
Mata nihongo no benkyou haishin shite hoshii desu!!