What part of your body would you like Jamie to massage that you would make you purr like a cat? (Keep it G rated!)

1 51

Good evening my lovelies. Are we ready for

1 8

Why do you think Jamie wanted to show Claire the wolves?
Did you notice that he subtly gave her orders and she followed them all?

1 9

Do you think Jamie's sense of justice is defined by how Brian meted it out? Do you think what Jamie did (the spankin'!) was fair?

1 10

On a scale of evil, which is worse - BJR or Hitler?

0 6

How good are YOU at following orders?

0 3

Who here thinks Jamie should've just killed BJR when he had the chance?

1 5

Do you think Claire felt justified in disregarding Jamie's judgment (orders) because he's younger than she?

1 6

Ever been in a position where your actions could get someone killed?

0 8

What's a sure sign we could look for that would tell us you were losing your temper?

1 13

How would you have passed the time waiting for your interview with BJR?

0 4

What did you think of Jamie's threat to beat Claire wi' his sword belt?

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Do you think it's more or less dangerous for Jamie, now he's married to Claire, to have to survive the machinations of Dougal & Colum?

0 7

Do you think there really is a Loch Ness "monster?"

1 8

Do you think you could bring yourself to stab someone?

2 43

Do you think the Grants' real goal was to kidnap Jamie?

1 7

Do you think Dougal was really joking about letting the Grants keep Jamie if he'd been the one kidnapped by Grants?

0 10

Doesn't it seem like Claire's body knew before her mind accepted how much Jamie meant to her?

1 28

Ever stop to think about how much Dougal might've accomplished with Jamie if he'd recruited his aid willingly rather than fighting with him?

0 11

Happy Saturday, Sassenachs! Join us tomorrow evening at 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT for , Outlander, chapter 18

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