What was your favorite chapter/s of the book? Besides The Wedding!! And what did you like about it?

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Do you think Jamie And Claire might've had better success if they'd gone to Rome & King James rather than France & Prince Charles? How?

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Have you ever been that "lost" in another person, like Jamie and Claire were in the grotto?

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Why DO women bother? Is it more than just love?

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Anyone else disappointed that the scene where J is examining his hand wasn't included in the show?

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do you think Jamie would've survived such an operation had she done it?

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Why do you think Claire never even considered taking Jamie's hand off when he was dying of infection?

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Anyone else disappointed that in the show, they didn't let Jamie come to Claire to reconnect with her physically? Personally, I think it was necessary, esp after all the violence.

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There is no evidence that the oldest and youngest Randall brothers were sociopaths. What's your theory on why BJR was so insane?#ReadABookor2

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What do you think you'd have done to stop Prince Charles from starting war in Scotland?

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There is no evidence that the oldest and youngest Randall brothers were sociopaths. What's your theory on why BJR was so insane?

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How do you think your actions have affected the future? If at all....

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. Is Claire guilty of murder & adultery, in YOUR opinion?#ReadABookor2

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. Do you agree with Father Anselm that Claire's story is "marvelous & wonderful"? If it had happened to you, is that how you would have described it?

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Are you a good patient? Do you like being coddled or would you throw the bowl of broth at the door?

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Can you imagine hearing Claire's confession. Do you think you'd have believed her?

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What did you think of Claire's strategy to fight for Jamie's life?

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There was controversy in the show when Jamie asked for a knife, presumably to kill himself, which, in the book, he says he can't do due to his faith. However, in the book, in effect he is willing himself to die. Is there a difference?

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Do you think for the show, hearing Jamie's explanation of what BJR did to him in Wentworth would've been just as effective as showing all the torture? Which way would you have preferred?

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