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Renowned as a top-tier shot in the Arena, she has dedicated her life to eradicating injustice. Her plasma rifle and quick reflexes make her a high priority in team fights.
She is recruiting candidates to join her once the Arena's gates open. Will you be chosen?
@sbarra_anthony Snail: He’s ri-ah ah ACHOO!!
Lachlan: *using his speedy reflexes, he stops the castle from being blown over, saving it again* Nope.
lobos reflexivos melancólicos sofrendo ao som de hurt do newjeans
El estilo de dibujo va evolucionando a medida que avanza la obra y cada vez se nota más estilizado y expresivo.
Por otro lado, el ritmo de algunos capítulos es muy bueno y logran hacer reflexionar al lector si sabe leer entre líneas.
@HatchlingDM @ScrivTheBard ❄️❄️Hey Hatchling! Thanks for the space!
We're Reflex Save, an actual play 5E podcast that release episodes every Wednesday 6pm AEST. We have a good mix of humour, drama and art to keep your eyes and ears amused
Give us a listen on any audio app https://t.co/LQwtmSh4rh❄️❄️
From my collection📷
Twin-lens reflex #camera 🎨
#Photographs #yashica
#art #Sketche #Drawing #Illustrationart
『幻日のヨハネ-Unpolarized Reflexion- 1巻』
作家 ※敬称略:まつだこうた、大野敏哉、矢立肇、公野櫻子、室田雄平
発売日:1/31 (火)
✍️ Qui no ha gaudit alguna vegada de les reflexions amanides amb humor absurd de Mafalda?
📍 La @filmotecacat programa el 21/01 la pel·lícula que, l'any 1982 posava veu i moviment a les famoses tires còmiques del gran Quino. 🥰
No t'ho pots perdre! 🙌
"No sé si cada vez estoy más sola o si estoy aprendiendo a elegir mejor a quienes se quedan en mi vida".
▪︎Elena Poe
As pré-vendas de "Reflexos do Futuro" (previsto para fevereiro), "Sirius - Twin Stars" (previsto para fevereiro-março), "Asas de Remia" (abril), "Gannibal" 1 (maio) e "Cudlestate Monogatari" 1 (junho), também não devem demorar muito mais para começarem!
*todas capas provisórias
@ShigoDreadful I'm game! That is, if you don't consider having a 300 year-old android with lightning fast reflexes and lived experience of the 1990s an unfair advantage 😏
Sem olhos
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