I wanted to draw jayce being sparkly but ended up taking the sketch to completion because i got carried away on the crystals lmao. Robots and crystals, what's not to love? 🥰

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Beastober Chimera VII : Gleamy Octbot
Her owner named her Queenie and she loves her orbudrone snacks.🛸

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Meet Keeper, the automated entertainer and living doll! He might be a little haunted.

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Yes, I DID make a Straysona after playing around on a picrew.
Anyways here's Meeps.

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finally another helltober done 83 Day 17: Hellish machine

These little hellbots looks comically inferior to the robotics of other societies, but they induce high amounts of fear and are extremely dangerous machines. considered bad luck

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Commission art for USO!!
Thank you for all the support 💖

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Drew this cool robot dude as practice, might put him on a hoodie 🤔

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back at it again at krispy kreme

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Lately I've been having some problems with the design of my robot characters, so I made these drawings trying to see various options and compare them with the original design (I would appreciate if you could give me any advice or opinion, it would be of great help)

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This one is B.I.G. 👀

Check out the latest Custom created for

Thank you for the opportunity to make this notorious

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