New Video Coming Soon!
Cregan Stark A Wolf Among Dragons
Meet one of the most Badass Starks to ever live, Cregan Stark, The Wolf of the North, Lord of Winterfell & head of House Stark during the Dance of the Dragons!


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Illustrations by Spanish fantasy artist Arantza Sestayo

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Roy Freer

“Roy’s paintings softly tapped you on the shoulder as you walked by, pulling you back to look again at the quiet, close-toned colour”.

Image: Roy Freer NEAC PS RI ROI (1938-2021), Light of Day, 35 x 45 cm


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こりゃ に大負けな感じだ。


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Velhon morsian -mangan TV-animesovituksen toinen tuotantokausi alkaa keväällä 2023.

Sarjan animoi Studio Kafka ja ohjaa Kazuaki Terasawa, jotka vastasivat myös toisen OAD-animen The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm toteutuksesta.

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Se cree que la técnica de girar sobre su propia cabeza tiene el único fin de despistar al enemigo antes de asestarle varias patadas.
Los humanos dieron con esta forma evolucionada de Tyrogue más tarde que con sus 'hermanos'.


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I am happy to show this sixth set of portraits set i maked for RPG book Pathfinder 2E Lost Omens : Travel Guide (©Paizo Inc.)

Ecco a voi questa sesta serie di ritratti che ho fatto per il manuale GDR Pathfinder 2E Lost Omens : Travel Guide (©Paizo Inc.)

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stonking antidisestablishmentarianism

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mal, y entre golpe y golpe lo activa y mi hermana sale disparada para arriba y yo me quedo justo abajo de Alora que sale levitando y con el art. en las manos a su alrededor se empieza a generar un domo de energía. Mi hermana en caída libre cae sobre Alora y desestabiliza todo+

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goosestar and bravefall are peak romance

i mean who doesn't like a good emo/golden retreiver pairing

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In secret, he is a Sith Lord named Darth Travus and constructed a new Sith academy underneath the ruins of Korriban/Moraband after Darth Sidious' death. He is trying to revive the ancient ways of the Sith and disestablish Darth Bane's philosophy of Rule of Two

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