LOOK AT THESE CHARACTERS - they can finally have a hashtag! :D

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-the godesses-

on going pool in my instagram on which one i draw next between seraphimon or beelzemon ⭐️

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Seraphimon, Law and Order of the Holy Angel Digimon.

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Este capítulo tuvimos muchos nuevos digimon animados o.O, de hecho creo que este ha sido el capítulo que más digimon ha mostrado hasta el momento.

1. Valdurmon
2. Deathmon
3. Cherubimon (Virtue)
4. Seraphimon

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Buen video shelos.

Los digis que se ven en el flassback son: Valdurmon (el pájaro blanco de abajo), Ophanimon (digimon enmedio), seraphimon (derecha), cherubimon (izquierda) rasielmon (enmedio arriba), ClavisAngemon (arriba derecha) y SlashAngemon (arriba izquierda)

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Another example is Black Seraphimon, which in its card uses the events of Digimon Frontier describing that he is the result of Mercuremon merging with the stolen data from Seraphimon.

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The 1337 - Villainreflect! Digimania continues with the corrupted Spirit of Steel! Designed after Black Seraphimon, it twists any attack that hits it and reflects its negative back at them!

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Hmmm estoy mirando, y aparte de Sephirothmon, ShadowSeraphimon y AncientWisemon, Mercuremom puede digievolucionar en Sinduramon, el Deva

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Thanks to being extremely close to God the 3 Great Angels can easily fall to wickedness!!

Seraphimon can fall and become BlackSeraphimon and Demon.

Ophanimon can fall and become Ophanimon Falldown Mode and Lilithmon.

Cherubimon can fall and become Cherubimon (Vice).

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a small seraphimon :>

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Interestingly, in Digimon Crusader there is an event focused on Black Seraphimon and other Digimon (Black WarGreymon/Black Megalo Growmon) in which they do literally what Dracumon convinced Seraphimon to do in Collectors, use their dark power to cover the whole world in darkness

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De la misma manera, Seraphimon (el otro Digimon que parece haberse involucrado en esta guerra) también es descrito como uno de los tres grandes angeles en su carta respectiva (la cual viene en el starte deck de Takeru)

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i changed the background and cleaned it up a tiny bit ✌️

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