After a long time without drawing, back with another pokémon character, of course 18+, but still pokémon :)
And yes, it's a digivice and a LadyDevimon tatoo!

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>W< Ladydevimon y Matt (antes del cambio de diseño xD)

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Greymon also represents agumon + its entire evolution lines 😌
Honourable mentions to tentomon and dandevimon (hehehe) bc I could only choose 4 images 🤭

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Some comissioned ones, Ambromon (Lekismon + Sangloupmon jogress) and MetalLadyDevimon!

It was a joy to work on them XD

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Here's mine. Two variants for LadyDevimon & Beelstarmon. And a digifake Ultimate (OerstGrowlmon) & Mega (Hashshamon) for the Guilmon line.

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one comm tonight, a Demidevimon for

tbh ive been wantin to draw one of these lil guys for a bit, just never remember when i get time for myself

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I wanted to draw a cute Ladydevimon girl, so I take inspo on / 's Ladydevi fanart; And made my own casual Ladydevi

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ladydevimon im sorry for everything mean i said about you when i was like 9

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I was thinking of what Digimon-Partners some of my Characters would have (including Digivolution-Lines)

The first one is Freya!
She would have Impmon -> Devidramon -> LadyDevimon -> BelleStarmon


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Se muestran en HD, los finalistas del 2 concurso, dibujando a LadyDevimon!

"Invading lady" by gocci
"Temptation of Darkness" by nurumi
"More than you!!" by nedu
"Blood moon" by Kariki Hajime

¿Cuál os gustaría como carta?

10 60

The gangs all here :> mastemon, ladydevimon, angewomon and gatomon heheh

Are there any digimon youd like buttons of?

16 56

😇 Angewomon and LadyDevimon 😈

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Un digimon bestia insectoide con una fuerza fisica sorprendente pero con una mente privilegiada para hacer el mal Su lacayo es Devimon

Su tecnica es Blaster Oni
Una descarga de energia negativa con la que corrompe el diginucleo de su rival

4 19

Para ser honestos
Kabuterimon impone mas que devimon

Ahora necesito una serie donde kabuterimon sea un villano weon

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when i was a kid my parents only let me watch christian programming and i managed to convince them digimon was a christian show because of the fight between angewomon and ladydevimon in that episode and i managed to keep that hoax going for a year

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This was my entry for the Digimon TCG.

Didn't pass the cut but I had a lot of fun doing this LadyDevimon!

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