Day 522: In which a bunch of hungry Bigotry Enablers just wanna eat their lunches in peace without owning their shit, man.

46 88

Day 502: In which a dirty-dealing dummy’s disinterest in his country’s history is rivaled only by his disinterest in his country’s people.

125 175

Day 454: Making up for not getting one out yesterday, Foghorn Jeffhorn feeling the perjurious pinch of other people’s paranoia.

33 75

Day 452: In which when times are tough and your ambulance chaser is under criminal investigation, play the reliable, bigoted-bugle-blowing hits.

55 94

Day 429: In which one faces the Sophie’s Choice of Cowards: hide from pupils or porn stars?#resist

38 79

Day 423: In which the inside of an abandoned mattress wearing a repossessed-yacht-sized suit still wants you to know he has very much nothing to hide.

53 89

So its a movie about the entrapment, torture, conditioning, hellish life of being a honeypot spy in a communist shithole? Well shit I could've told them that.

0 1

Here's my Trump Valentines Day cartoon. I'm thinking of doing an "uncensored" version with: "SHITHOLE" "GRAB 'EM BY THE PUSSY" and maybe "THEY'RE RAPISTS". Are there any more that I should put into the uncensored version? Let me know now and I'll do it tomorrow!

Help! Thanks!

15 38

Day 380: In which the only knee this hastily-put-together hate merchant takes is the one when he kneels down to pick up that second box of spilled chicken wings.

61 134

and his Republican posse are a bunch of racists, incompetent, misogynistic, arrogant, shitholes!! 🤦‍♀️

0 0