Results from the
Irritator, Microcleidus, Actigavialis and Shonisaurus (not dead just feeding)

75 409

Here are my sketches from today. Microcleidus, Aktiogavialis, and Shonisaurus death pogging

43 209

Finally caught my first I only really made it in time to draw a Shonisaurus, but I would love to do more in the future.

36 205

For todays on the we did Irritator, FLAT FUCK, hydra aktiogavialis, and screming shonisaurus.

6 26

De ugoki dasu MUUVU
Shikkari BIITO ni noretara GURUUVU
Hora, kekkou yoku natte kitenai?
Aa ii kanji ni natte kitajan
Hanabi mitai ni isshoni Jump up shitara
Mezasouze KONKUURU
Kono KURUU de Sou, kimete It’s Cool!
(Oh oh)
Shake the Shape

0 1

“Mosasaurs or plesiosaurs???” 😤😡

Neither, Shonisaurus supremacy 😎

17 189

Selamat atas shonichi setlist Seishun Girlsnya!💃

You've performed with full energy today!

11 42

Selamat siang, how's your day ?

Semoga hari ini menyenangkan! Semangat RKJ & Shonichi SG hari ini ya. ❤️


8 34

slamat sdh melewati minggu ini dgn 2 show 2 bd
slamat shonichi RKJnya! smoga cape latihanny bsa terbayarkn
smoga jg di RKJ km bs blajar bnyak dr kakak2nya

pokokny smngt trus, proud of u hehe

*ps: tadinya mau nyelesein ini abis show 2, tapi ga kesampean hhehe

3 13

「……Chase me,Fashonistas!!」

18 63

Nobara is a great female shonin character who is confident, speak her mind and strong. She’s not just there to be in love with the main character. And she doesn’t just call for them to save her life. She actually has a personality that don’t limit itself on one main trait.

43 130

Pertama kali tau bri justru lewat kayak leeh ini tah yg namanya bri, jadi yaa seakan-akan dr sekian member cuma bri doang yg ga aku tau. Maap ya brii. Btw selamat buat shonichi iny kemarin dan sukses selalu.

2 11

Overosaurus, Horned Gophers, Outdated Shonisaurus, Chasmosaurus

124 525

Artfight Discord attack on
Characters:Shoni & Big Blue Cat
Discord server for ArtBattleRoyale:

0 2

Yay I finished it!! Shelby from   😎 I will be doing the the other characters as well, so keep an eye out!

1 21