name: Katsuki Bakugou
skills: be handsome (and other super cool things)

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New Character Violet

Name: Violet
History: …(Confidential)
Skills: …(Confidential)
Age: …(Confidential)
Curiosity: …Likes grape soda 🍇

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The side effect of watching too much hentai: *exist*

My drawing skills:

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On this (Bonus) episode of the OSPod, we go back to school and brush up on our research skills:

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Lubo Keno

Pronunciation: Loo-boh Kay-noh
Species: Wolf
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Size: Average

Skills: Surfing, Sword Wielding
Powers: Alpha Form, Fury

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Thorn: magic knight, burn survivor, new Embassy guard. Suddenly highly-motivated to learn Leif's language. First one to drop the cover of "this is totally platonic."

Special skills: magic swordfighting, cat-owning, high emotional IQ, killed a whole dragon.

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Leif: gardener, amateur singer, indentured servant (don't say "slave"). Working off a debt at his Embassy in a foreign country. Too patriotic to catch feelings for a local. Right?

Special skills: flower arranging, sign language, doublethink.

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Quest giver: Seek out the hunter with the dragon tattoo, but know that he does not remove his clothes so easily.
The party member who decided to specialize in cloth summoning skills: YES

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Rosalina, the band kid

Skills: bassguitar, dying hair, dealing drugs🤧✌️, death stares, etc

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Skills: Prehensile tongue to catch food or anything else, can easily eat anything because she has three stomachs which makes her belly weight around the ton. Super strong and a breeding tool for funny purposes if any customer/staff members need to release some steam.

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🌼Daisy: energetic cheerleader🌼

Skills: cheerleading, sports, sweetheart, rebellious, will curb stomp bullies, etc

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This is the samurai character of my country.

Name: Puskas (he was a legendary soccer player)
Special skills: waterpolo, horseback riding - these can be enhanced in hot spring
Fave food: Fisherman's soup, Acacia honey
Hobby: Embroidery, Castle tours

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🍑Peach: class president 🍑

Skills: leadership, popularity, mean girl vibes, organization house parties, etc

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Species: Zacian
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Personality: Gentle, Protective, And Loving
Special Skills: Able To Swallow Things Whole
Loves: Humans, Head Pats, Food, Snuggling
Hates: Cruelty, Evil People, Violence, Human-Eating Preds

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Tonight's release is live! You can find the new farmable DarkLord class in /join murdermoon, and an updated Featured shop for May the Fourth. There is also a new Upgrade package, Galactic General.
Class skills:
Design notes:

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Hi there!:) I’m Catie and I do twitter to procrastinate my homework 😂
Its super fun tho, and I hope to use twitter to keep myself motivated to continue drawing and improving my art skills:)

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Baking celebration stream is tomorrow (2:30pm CEST)! 😋🧁 Watch me show my derpy cooking skills:3

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The Dragoon is what happens when you give overly buff warriors a big lance and put them on a horse. In other words, it's your dream class.

Class Skills:
Deft Strike: 25% chance to ignore half of enemy defense
Deadly Precision: Crit increased by 20% of dodge

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Beefy Berserker axes delivered straight to the enemy's face - does that sound like something you might be interested in?

Class Skills:

Bloodlust: Power increased as health lowers

Mayhem: Low % chance to attack again, increased by enemy's missing health

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In the original game you could snooze the robots and reset lift platforms. This time you have a whole raft of new skills: move special-platforms, bomb (time-based), mine (set-off by robots), and lights (some rooms are dark.) So, yeah.. But IMHO this stuff feel a little bit much..

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