Art lovers, I know, I know, I promised to call it a day with the Jacob Ree-Smogg Gallery, but they keep coming in and, er, my hand must have slipped on the clicker!

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19th century France had the Impressionists. 20th century Germany has the Expressionists. 21st century Britain has the Rees-Moggists! You can’t stop art. You just can’t!

35 178

for the larks who weren't up with the owls...The balance has shifted a bit momentarily. Support is creaking. Is it just giant, unadorned hubris with or do he and his boss have a cunning plan?

11 22

The balance has shifted a bit momentarily. Support is creaking. Is it just giant, unadorned hubris with or do he and his boss have a cunning plan?

15 14

There's a few edits of that Jacob Rees-Mogg lounging in the already but I thought I'd add another...

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