for this weekend’s how red tape and regulation are actually a good thing for a growing and thriving British economy

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The only fish known to spout toxic drivel - polluting politics since Dickensian times -
‘Victori-anus Carpio
(Uncommon Carp)’

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He has to go. How can he possible be in any position of power. His chilling Etonian slur repulses me.

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Something to do while waiting for the goverment to do something. Keep calm and colour in. A chance to use all your nice grey coloured pencils.

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It’s is beyond belief that he is in any remote position of power “That is a none story “ 🤔

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Jacob Rees-Mogg must live in a different dimension to the rest of us, only coming back to visit ours to go to the House of Commons or do interviews.

To be able to deny reality in the way he does is unthinkable.

What a horror of a human being.

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Behind Reesy Antoinette is the number of people, now in their millions, who’ve needed emergency food parcels from the Trussell Trust. What a country.

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There is nothing about this man that is fit to lead my country in any way whatsoever

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My cartoon Saturday . Idiotic libertarian mask denial by

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To the man who believes homosexuality is a sin and much more .. Welcome to the resurrection of the sinners ..

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This is the only truthful thing Rees-Mogg has ever said ... honest.

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Just because he's trending (despite not being on trend) ...

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'El pescador' (Le Pêcheur, 1884) de Jean-Louis Forain convertido por en "El pescador consumado o 'carpa' diem"
[recuérdese que 'carp' es en inglés el ciprínido pez y queja]

➕#humor al /

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Jacob Rees-Mogg said Brits should stop 'endless carping' just cos is still a complete omnishambles.
He really got 'spaffed' on that one!

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