Truly thankful for your continuous support on Hongkongers🙏🏻

All we ask for is freedom and democracy, we shall never ever surrender! Justice will eventually win and defeat dictatorship!

11 44

govt still naively think by arresting all pro-democratic activists would resolve all issues? There’re at least 2 mil ppl like then they should convert the whole city as the “re-education camp” to lock us all. We will

3 19

has ruled with lies & violence for many decades. Behind the thrived economy, there's brutal oppression against the people who fight for liberty & democracy. It rules against the tide & trend of world, which values & respect human rights

4 6

呢幾日發生左好多事...實在令人好灰,但灰完就繼續行了,唔好放棄! // ig e

27 55

She is the symbolic pro-democratic activist in Hong Kong who represent the major opinions of the young generation. We are proud of her.

12 28

Heartbreaking to see our youths targeted by the tyranny.

They are brave and young.
The political prosecution is injustice.

Now China can arrest whoever they want. is still facing the charge of

Hope more can with actions!

2 3

Thank you so much Sen Scott. While we continue to suffer in jail and battle against in HK, intl support can’t be more vital to keep us going. Thanks so much for ur unwavering support to We won’t give up, won’t be silenced and will fight till the end.

9 21

This is perhaps the hardest decision he’ve ever made. No one would want to leave his beloved hometown & live in exile. Under the ruthless, escalating oppression by there's little room for renowned pro-dem figures to resist, without risking personal safety

4 10

The very essence of Hong Kong --- freedom, autonomy & rule of Law, are being eroded, bit by bit, by It's deeply troubling to see that political prosecutions are becoming a common practice against any opposing voice, & the court fails to uphold justice

18 37

The claws of CCP has extended worldwide and we are happy to see more countries are realising the need to decouple from China. The free world must stand in solidarity in this awakening.

9 11




1 8

Good to hear that. We hope EU can sanction those human rights, democracy and freedom violators in and that has blatantly crack downed HK rule of law and autonomy. Pls continue to against tyranny.

3 9

Dictators can jail our bodies not our soul, mind & determination. We will not give up fighting against tyranny We will only get more united and stronger. Pls continue to

13 35