HK freedom fighters treat our fellows as family. Many yellow shops (pro-democracy shops) are helping each other. Helping them sending flowers is a warm act❤️

Thousands of political prosecution, our people are jailed becoz we dare to

13 36

Thanks so much for your continuous attention and support to It is the coldest winter we have for years in HK but we won’t give up hope....

11 33

Thank you so much to We will not be scared with such draconian and won’t be silenced.

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Thanks you Senator Rubio

Justice in beijing's dictionary means there’s no room for opposing voices, no matter how moderate hkers are.

Hope US as soon as possible will take tough action against CCP.

5 11

Thank you so much Sen Scott. While we continue to suffer in jail and battle against in HK, intl support can’t be more vital to keep us going. Thanks so much for ur unwavering support to We won’t give up, won’t be silenced and will fight till the end.

9 21

Dictators can jail our bodies not our soul, mind & determination. We will not give up fighting against tyranny We will only get more united and stronger. Pls continue to

13 35

Thanks for In just 1.5 yr, Hong Kong has turned fr a place w/ most freedom & limited democracy to a jail w/o freedom & democracy. & govt hv been repressing all opposing voices: lawmakers, teachers, medical workers, students & any civilian.

3 6

Thanks Sec Pompeo for your staunch support to has completely destroyed HK all around within mere 1.5 yr. Everyday we live in yet another darkest day and there is no end. pls continue to sanction all these responsible for crackdown ppl of HK.

2 19

is killing Not just the people but the whole place by destroying our law, culture and etc..
is the only way out. Plz help us. Plz Plz help us fight back and get away from insane control.

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This is what do to a man who already showed both of his hands in the air.

is still happening in on the first day of 2020 and these must be stopped by the world to

26 17

Thank you Mr Umunna for The escalation results from police brutality & the unaccountable gvt. These shouldn't happen under Joint Declaration. I'm grateful that you recognise the obligation and speak up for I wish you victory in the election.

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