Today and tonight! The Toronto Queer Theatre Festival: the glorious gamut of life. And some mother issues

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Your friend and mine joins to walk us through Shatterstar's Cereal Corner and also talk about some mid-90s X-Force.
What a world...

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Celebrate your in style as talks to about the last year of the X-Men, and what goodies are still to come!

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goes to a bunch of different mutant island nations to celebrate the new one

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We brought in Harvard poetry professor to school us on Kitty Pryde for this week. There is capital "S" Subtext.

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This week on we celebrate the release of the newest film with podcast superstar from Jay & Miles .
Could there be a new on the list?
Get ready!
It's finally time for

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How excited would you be for an vs film? Sure it wouldn't come for some time, but those match-ups would be CRAZY on the big screen!

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Ok since some people were interested, I'll be opening Full body Sketch Commissions AND Mini Character Sheet Commissions.
❗️Payment upfront through PayPal or Venmo.
❓DM me for any questions.

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I've been drawing a bunch of fun characters lately! This is Fluorine (that I inked the other day) in colour! ✨
I'll talk a bit more about these characters when the writer is ready to launch the project 😊👍

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Got questions for ? Reply with them below and we might ask them on

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One day, I will write the fic for this pairing and post it to Ao3

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🦑The Hills are Alive with the Calls of Cthulhu. On the other side of the earth poets & artists had begun to dream of a strange, dank Cyclopean city whilst a young sculptor had moulded in his sleep the form of the dreaded Cthulhu🎨AgeOfTheAtom🦑#Lovecraft

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Day 27
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meets !
Might wanna check behind you though guys.

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