Bozo bolsonaro triste pq perdeu seu malvado favorito Donald Trump. grande dia!

36 359

Lo so, stiamo parlando sempre del “meno peggio” ma è un meno peggio di grandissima lunga meno peggio di Trump.

31 282

It’s a big night of Biden v Trump. Won’t be sad if I don’t have to draw Trump again after tonight

2 17

Do a bit of good while we can today.
Fight for those moments of joy.

Vote against four more years of Trump.

📓 X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever

6 60


Don't be fooled Folks.

Every Vote Must Be Counted before a Victory can be claimed by Trump.

Dog Whistles.


22 80

Instead of a steady hand to guide us through this public health crisis, we’ve had indecision, misinformation and incompetence from Trump. As a result, people across the country are paying the price for his failed leadership.

1 5

Just a reminder that children are still in prisons at our border, that 545 children cannot be returned to their families because of mismanagement, that illegal sterilizations were performed on women in the “detainment centers”, and that all of this is on Trump.

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Great people don’t vote for trump.

2 27

So Iran sent out spoofed emails from the Proud Boys threatening Democrats lives if they don’t vote for Trump... to hurt Trump? Oh and Russia is doing something too! Makes a lot of since John Ratcliffe! 🙄

17 70

day 21 is Ivanka Trump, the daughter of Donald Trump. Also Donald Trump wants to fuck his daughter Ivanka Trump. Donald Trump is also the current president of the USA. If you haven’t already voted yet, please vote out Donald Trump & his creepy ass family.👇👇👇

11 68

Anytime I see a woman defend trump. The man with 27 sexual accusations, the man who pays a porn star while his was pregnant and of course “grab them by the...” make all women proud Andrea, lol

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