El meme de las manos aferradas de Côté 🇨🇦, 🇬🇧, David Parkins 🇨🇦 y 🇪🇸

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Saw this art on Facebook and I had to share it!

Credits to the artist, I own nothing!

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Canciller el gobierno de arremetió contra nuestro pueblo con ensañamiento y con el respaldo de una feroz campaña de difamación. Sin embargo, «240 medidas de hostilidad han fracasado en el intento de doblegar a los cubanos»

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It's A New Day Yes It Is!!!
We Have Now Shifted The Power In America to Biden-Harris! We Are One Nation! Let's Unite and Become Stronger!!!!

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Violentos simpatizantes ultraderechistas de Donald Trump invaden el Capitolio, ¿Ya se puede hablar de golpe de estado?

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belongs in jail. We said when he was elected that he is a dangerous clown, and now his fascist circus has gotten out of hand.

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Who’s left for this old ICE queen to pardon? Anyone know if Manson a registered Republican? In today

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