HAPPY TURKEYDAY for those who are celebrating it (also I know I'm way to early)

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And they’re off! Ol’ Tom Turkey sets the vile Brat Twins free in the New post!

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Ol’ Tom Turkey gives the Brat Twins a bellyful of trouble in the New post!

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Tom Turkey’s a fast talker and an even faster thinker! Can he smart his way out of being The Brat Twins’ dinner? Find out in the New post!

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Happy Turkeyday!
Tis' the season to eat waaaay too much

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It’s a dangerous time to be a turkey, especially when the vile and hungry Brat Twins are on the prowl as you’ll see in the New post!

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I do a lot of image searches when approaching art ideas. Ideas for were really dry. I was hesitant to do a smoked turkey, but I feel it turned out pretty dope As far as turkey day art goes, I feel Ive made one of the flyest turkey day pieces.

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Happy Turkeyday guys. I love you all, have fun, stuff your faces. That includes all those non-americans too 🦃

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Happy Turkey Day, it's MST3Ks 30th anniversary! Celebrate with some early Black Friday deals on some cool shirts!!!


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