Been replaying a bit lately. Game is such a masterpiece. Checked my "TOP 100 GAMES" list only to find it was at Absurd! It is top 10 material, easily. Probably even top 5. I hope Platinum's next game is a new VJ, or a remaster! Here's a VJ art I did

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Hey how you guys haven't ported 1&2 onto the is baffling! It's an instant win 😊

3 10

Been playing Viewtiful Joe 2 all weekend, so I drew the star couple, Joe and Silvia! This lovey-dovey dynamic duo's got some serious style! And hey, it's almost Valentine's Day, so I might as well draw something that I love!~ ♥️😍

5 9

Ahora que sabemos que quedan 3 juegos por anunciar de en la web
Cuál son vuestra apuestas.

Las mías:

¿Qué pensabais vosotros?

2 7

I love when people draw characters in different fashions, so I went ahead and doodled Joe in my favorite one! PUNK!!!
Dunno, just thought it'd kinda fit him! 🤘🤪🤘
It's hard being a hero and dressing like a villain... XD

6 16

Hey idk who you need to contact for adding charaters to but you need to add this guy to the roster ASAP in the new line up just saying....idk

3 10

Quick little doodle of everyone's favorite film-loving super nerd, Viewtiful Joe! He's fun to draw! ✏️
Wonder what he's smilin' about? Maybe he got a new Captain Blue doll-- I mean, action figure! Right... 😂
Hey, we've all got our heroes!

7 12

Let's get this trending and some hype, can we get a port or a remake please!!!!!!!! we got crash and spyro let's get Joe!!!!!

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Typical of any superhero story, Joe must face off against an evil version of himself and my all-time favorite boss in the game! Another Joe!
Yeah, I know he's just Alastor in disguise, but hey! Alastor's just as awesome! 😂😍👍

5 8

The HD remakes of must happen. This is a series that has laid dormant far too long. These games would look amazing in 1080p (4K for the lucky ones). When will Hulk Davidson be back in the house ?

3 9

What are we gonna do with them...

11 27

Check out this illustration I put together to hand out at

You can watch a timelapse of the drawing process at

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En junio de 2003 e se animaron a experimentar con un nuevo y excéntrico protagonista: Joe, y nacía entonces (el 26/06/2003) un beat 'em up que explotaría todas las características de

¡Felices 16 años

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