This feeling (Yes dude, this battling bard is amazing, and it’s MY battling bard 😏)

12 27

Capace di radunare intorno a sè un forte fandom, il potere e l'influenza di Xena durano ancora oggi, citata spesso come esempio di donna forte e indipendente, e nel tempo ha generato Romanzi, Fumetti e Videogames!

1 5

Give me written by , and you'll have to race me to the cash register!!

34 265

Princess Diana, The Wonder Woman! All done. Been preoccupied with work 😑, had to finish it this evening 😑😑

2 5

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Xeno, Warrior Princess! 🤣

0 1

Debo confesar que no he visto completos los 2 últimos capítulos de xena, porque en mi cabeza si no los veo nunca se acabo la serie. esta escena es de mis favoritas, obvio son novias y quien diga que no, nos vemos afuera del metro.

2 15

"Se necesita coraje para crecer y convertirse en quien realmente eres".
E. E. Cummings

1 5

"She’s proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel."
R. H. Sin

0 2

Working on greek heroes and monsters lately. Can't forget Xena. Ready to use tokens w/ a couple variants.

1 1

commission finished... I was so happy when I got this commission, she was my hero as a little girl.

5 17

"Why can your hair come out of the frame?"
"Because I'm worth it."

5 21

(sends like a bouquet of flowers and kisses to the anon who reminded me of ... she...)#xenawarriorprincess

14 24