"Nothing Else Matters"

Markus and Leona tangled in a passionate kiss, not caring about anything around them.

Pic for the see you later!

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It turns out today is right?
I guess kiss should be in the first place?

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Per my Galactic Standard Calendar, it looks like today once again brings cause for celebration — and it just might be the *only* day that I, will let something “sloppy” slide! 😜

Happy 😘💋


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It’s and Bay Breeze wants kisses! What do,you say? Would you smooch the bow pone? <3

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Since it's here are some wlw kisses which had an impact on me in some way along my journey of self-discovery.

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AND since today is the AWWW 😌


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noir style! From the trailer for the wonderful, underseen THREE STRANGERS (1946).

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Apparently it's so here's a sketchbook ref'd pen from February of Eliza & Roxanne😊~ Quickly added some digital colour on top of it for fun, might do it as a proper illustration someday ^_^ 🎨😚😁❤️

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