Wishing all our fellow biodiversity, heritage & literature lovers a very Merry Christmas!

(our favourite images from via )

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The Fuchsia Grevillea (also known as "Jingle Bells") must be Australia's most Christmassy plant! Image: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1913. https://t.co/RAL7KUkGbW via

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Mottlecah, Eucalyptus macrocarpa. One of Australia's most beautiful & Christmassy plants. Image: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1847. https://t.co/SqBIPVZlKq via

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Bottlebrushes: a clean sweep for Australia's most Christmassy plant? Image: Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1815. https://t.co/hstpGiQ39N via

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Perhaps this is Australia's most Christmassy plant? Mondurup Bell, Darwinia macrostegia. Image: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1855. https://t.co/El1T5xHGjW via

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Sturt's Desert Pea: a firm favourite for Australia's most Christmassy Plant. Image: Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1858. https://t.co/iCvCO5O4F5 via

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Is Australia's Firewheel Tree (Stenocarpus sinuatus) our most festive plant? Image: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1846. https://t.co/QvMDYnfQDN, via

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Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you got some of the things (or everything!) you wished for!

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have you already thought about the ornaments for you check these ► https://t.co/uthixnOk25

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