+ Itinerario Jornada I+C2
✏️Conferencia: Divulgación - "Guía para descubrir Medina Azahara, la ciudad brillante".
*Las conferencias estarán apoyadas por una profesional interprete de lenguaje de signos.
📌Viernes 16 de NOV - 12:00h

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My drawing of the absolutely amazing, talent, kind, hardworking as verified badass Zahara from . Go see this show. You won’t regret it.

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my lioness zahara -w-

my boi funtime jasper

bendy for inktober ^^

and my other boi funtime raffle ^w^

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Pescados de
URTA (Pagrus Auriga)
30 cm

A la roteña, con verduras de la huerta de Conil, de rechupete :P


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BORRIQUETE (Plectorhinchus mediterraneus)
30 cm

Al horno, relleno de ajitos fritos y perejil sobre cama de patatas y hortalizas con pimentón
Pescados de


3 6

BOCINEGRO (Pagrus pagrus)
20 cm

Su dieta de gambas y cangrejos
lo hace especialmente sabroso.

Pescados de


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sketch of the wesir palace in Medina Azahara,
The magnificent caliph city was a major cultural center. Abd al-Rahman III. had the Medina Azahara built in 936 - after over 35 years of construction, 10.000 workers had done the work.

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meant to be designing my own teifling but I played with the idea of Kashaw and Zahra having a daughter named Vax...i dunno guys i really like her

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Third day od This time Bebe Zahara Benet, the winner queen of season one of I love this look of gigantic hair

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420 Icons: Kiche & Zaharah

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