sorryyyyy I forgot the mole 🥲#ZhongEi

182 684

They look at each other 💜👀💛

2 16


※再掲🙇‍♂️ タグを間違えておりました

22 139


87 468

Janji ga nakal lagi😔☝️

183 776

Some of my couples that I love so much and forever 🥰❤

Genshin Impact x Sweet Paradise
- Edit by me

209 1112

I know this ship isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but..

4 23

Omg Zhongli and Ei are so beautiful (灬º‿º灬)♡

20 86

karyababu art by sender
// contains bxg ship zhongei zhongli x ei
"she's with me right now, back off"

30 154