Plisss bantu mending ambil yang mana? Yaoyao ku udah di build tapi c1nya kurang healnya. Xinqiu blm build tp udah nyampe c3 tehe!

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babu! Hari ini sudah bisa klaim skin xinqiu sama karakter b4, jadi kalian ambil siapa? Kalau sender ambil gaming, soalnya gak balik di banner event hiks 🤧

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tehe! aku tb2 jd bloon pas mainin akun ar kicil ☠️ CARA NAIKIN AR CEPET GIMANA JIRR mau mainin sq xinqiu sama archon quest liyue 😭 eksplor tipis2 apa gmn ya 😔 eh ngumpulin culus nambah exp juga ya

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tehe! gajian paimon shop ga muluk2, cuma jemput yg susah pulang di standard banner 😔 akhirnya tidak xinqiuless lagi

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babu! xinqiu di team hutao double hydro mending pake 4emblem apa 4nobless ya? 😣

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-Hic..hic..Dì Shenhe ơi, Xinqiu bỏ ớt vào mỳ của cháu
-Nín đi Chongyun, để dì xử nó cho

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Recent banner luck! My last 5 star was Yae Miko she’s so pretty!! I’m happy to get Xinqiu another constellation and I actually wasn’t pulling for the 5star I wanted YaoYao and I got her to c3 Yunjin was a nice bonus ✨

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Chongyun is literally looking at xinqiu, theyre so

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This is for xinqiu's birthday,so late... (T▽T)/

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For his birthday, Xinqiu gets to pull an extra funny on Chongyun

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ha jokes on you I will proudly say I've been a proud member of the xingqiu nation ever since I started playing the game. both Xinqiu and Mika are my babies and I love them both equally

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