Para muchos, Garbodor es el Pokémon más odiado de la quinta generación, sin embargo, para mi es uno de los diseños más valientes que se pudo crear. Espero que os guste

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For many, Garbodor is the most hated Pokemon of the fifth generation, yet for me it is one of the bravest designs the series could create. I hope you like it

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La verdad, es que estaba intentando evitar a con todas mis fuerzas, pero tarde o temprano tenía que pasar, así que... aquí os traigo a éste

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The truth is that I was trying to avoid with all my strength, but sooner or later it had to happen, so... here I bring you this

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Unfortunately, the PHB Flash Experience was just an April Fool's prank. Nonetheless, I had a lot of fun designing the villainous Addo B. Flash. Here's some concept art and turnarounds for your viewing pleasure!

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育成SLG+錬金STGゲーム をどうぞよろしくお願いします…!ブラウザ版はAdobeFlashで2020終了ですがDL版を!!やって!!推しタイプを見つけてください!!(ダイマ)

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