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Weapons design today
Khnum "HERO-G" Rifle
A Khnum sport rifle for the civilian market, with a bold transparent casing, designed to demonstrate "Khnum's confidence in quality".
Despite the attention it received, the gun was criticized by some military enthusiasts as "flashy".

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Acrylic paints on wood canvas

3 48

The Angel descended in a flash of the purest light, seizing all evildoers with her fearsome chains and unbreakable will. Now is the time to feel the love of the Gods. A deep love. A great love. A love powerful and formidable. A love that crushes like a mace.

62 265

Mask the Masculine : "You deflected my Star Flash...? Just who are you?!"
Drip Renji : "A VILLAIN." https://t.co/Yj2i4m7iVL

137 1197

Imma be real, that specific room gives me certain Vietnam flashbacks

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ShoRit 🔥🧹

Someone got curious what's going on under a maid's dress~


90 428

Quinn and Morris went through some changes! Quinn always had a "long sidelocks, short back hair" style, in a way. I didn't like Morris' old design much because it used elements from Alolan Graveler, which he wasn't. It was fun trying to make an all-grey outfit look flashy!

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welcome to buggy burger can we take your flashy order?

111 519

More tattoo flash 🥹
I’ve been working on comms in between tattoo stuff btw!!

4 64

God this anime made me cry almost every episode. It HURTS to watch 0:26 with the context, that’s miranjo’s POV when she tried to delete herself as a kid and Bosse caught her in his palms💔 and the flashes of scenery in the OP was after, when he tried to show her the world https://t.co/Q8Sc3NitI5

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Some miku tattoo flash I’ve been working on for my apprenticeship!!!
Would you get chibi miku tatted on u?

4 51

Eishin Flash rkgk 🫣

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funny how 2 years prior, the guy was skinny (and his hair looks like the protagonist! too!) and then he bulked out and be the gigachad who we know and love

I guess war flashback and ptsd motivates someone to be a gym bro

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