I’m not saying I’m just that good, but pretty close right?

2 51

Figurehead Only a few more Figureheads left to reveal!!!
Just a few more days away from Da Warpath!!!

6 24

Figurehead countdown is up for viewing!!! One step closer to Da Warpath leading up to Animosity IV.

9 24

For the next 6 days we will be sharing images of the Figureheads by counting down from and making our way to Here is a look at Prepare for the Da Warpath!!!

9 30

This came up on my fb memory today. I loved paijting this terrorgheist

0 5

This should have been the cover for the new sylvaneth battletome.

1 10

Thought of the Afternoon, Body Horror Chaos force combining the new kits coming for 40k chaos, with GSC abberrants, and the Unmade from AoS

0 28

FINE, Soulbound is a lot about the lesbian vampire knights for me. Also the minis just roll with armored corsets and thigh high boots, which is like, top shelf worldbuilding. Meet Lady Maider of the Kastelai bloodline, I guess?


2 9

Latest doubles idea:

What if I built sludgerakers, without the tails. Mounted blightkings in the saddles and used them as massive count-as dracothian guard

0 18