I absolutely adore this model. I have selected the hero that will lead my next Soulblight army!

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Dead Aracknarok shell finished! Can't wait to put this on the table to really bring home the Mortal Realms in my games. Last photo is the Ohmu shell from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, which I used as reference.

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Mi Aparecido Canción de Guerra (Warsong Revenant) Me ha encantado pintarla, es un figurón y son de esas minis que da igual las reglas si esta chula se juega 😃

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lil stormcast liberator gal to top the night off before I head to bed!

11 43

In AoS, dreadnougths are a bit less metal. But they sting.

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After reading Ghoulslayer a fantastic story by , I felt inspired to paint up the ancient relic Fyreslayer Greataxe that The Slayer, Gotrek Gurnisson, carries with him through the underworlds.

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I absolutely cannot wait, this has really energized me to finish my Seraphon army. So many kitbashes to finish, lore, and a temple - not to mention maybe a board.

So so pumped to return to my roots with

The baby Coatl 🥰

1 30

Chainrasp sketch.
Based on Nighthaunt mini of course.
One of the two little drawings i did for 58. I did not have time to do more this week.

I need more Warhammer in my life \o/

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