Smol Okuu (complete)

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🔴 Nouveau ! Biographie de Jules Romains, né un
Il est l'auteur du cycle romanesque Les Hommes de bonne volonté et le créateur de l'unanimisme...

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Van Rozenburg en Otojiro Komai tot Lucien Gaillard en René Lalique - zie het

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i could only get to stage 3 in subterranean animism but that's ok she's cool as hell

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If you think you're better than anyone, think again. You might see the flaws on other people but just think of your flaws that Allah has hidden from other's eyes. And just so you know that they might be closer to Allah than you are.

Artist: Hanimism

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anti-monos は egoistic の実利である。六月の真逆に霊安された魂らは、animism の逆説を白痴どもに説いている。知識層には、風と煤の区別がつかないのだ。

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"Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more.

Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him."

(Yasmin Mogahed)

Art: Hanimism

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"Knowledge is life and a cure." (Saidina Ali r.a.)

"Knowledge is that which benefits, not that which is memorized." (Imam asy-Syafi'i r.a.)

Never stop learning.

Art: Hanimism

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Post khas buat peminat-peminat komik PERFECT karya Hanimism. Jom follow perkembangan terbaru Fiqa & Hafiz. Depa nak pi manaaa tuuu...?? 🤩😍

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If Subterranean Animism did take place in fantasy world then it would probably looked like this pic plus you would get to hear ending theme just like this arrange that BUTAOTOME made or at the very least it's how i'd image things in this way anyways <3!

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The beauty behind loneliness is that - you find out that to survive, you don't need anyone but Allah.

Art: Hanimism

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"My dear sister in Islam, you will not find anything more beautiful than the Taqwa of Allah to adorn yourself with."
(Saad Tasleem)

Art: Hanimism

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Allah tests different people with different trials, because everyone has a different level of patience, tolerance and faith.

And in the end, the one who gains His love, is the one who made through the tests with Taqwa.

Be strong & have patience.

Art: Hanimism

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To me, sahabat is a person whom you are comfortable to talk heart to heart with, to seek advice and words when you're away from God, someone to correct your mistakes because they love you for the sake of iman, and someone that you want to meet & stay friends in Jannah.


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Adakah diriku yang jauh dari sempurna layak mendapatkan sesuatu yang sempurna?

Layakkah aku menjadi bidadari di syurga?

Adakah penghijrahanku Allah akan terima?

Dapatkan komik PERFECT karya Hanimism di booth Daie Kreatif Venture (No. 4038).

PBAKL2019 | 29 Mac - 7 April | PWTC

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Adakah diriku yang jauh dari sempurna layak mendapatkan sesuatu yang sempurna?

Layakkah aku menjadi bidadari di syurga?

Adakah penghijrahan Allah akan terima?

PERFECT karya Hanimism

1 3

Or maybe because we're ugly -the other person

I was drawing this last night while making live. Actually I didn't plan to colour it, but they asked for a quick tuto and I coloured one person so I just had to finish all of it🌚thanks guys. ✨
No, really.

Art: Hanimism

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