The long-form Touhou web-novel, popular in Japan, "Welcome to the Hifuu Detective Agency" has been updated!

The English translation of the Subterranean Animism volume is now up on the site!

A geyser just sprung up near the Hakurei Shrine! However, a…

44 282

東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.

161 965




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The subterranean animism family! ( Commission)
Thank you ! I get another reason to draw them!

83 243

東方地霊殿~ Subterranean Animism

4 13

🌟 Cards up to Nov. 2022

🌟 Featured Festival-limited UR idols:
🎀 UR Sonoda Umi
「A Lady in the Moonlight」

🎀 UR Hoshizora Rin
「Rin's Studio」

🎀 UR Tojo Nozomi
「Animism Messenger」

🎀 UR Koizumi Hanayo
「Healing Innocence」

🌟 Quartz Exchange:
🎀 UR: x250 Shiny Quartz

5 63

21 pieces (3 sold out)
5/5 Editions
1 $xtz

Thank you to everyone who snagged pieces from this ANIMISM series so far, truly means a lot to me and glad these pieces resonated with you 🤍

0 3


Thank you so much for the support and taking part exploring the works in ANIMISM. I truly appreciate that and wish you the best ❤

21 pieces
5/5 Editions
1 $xtz

👇🏻 link below

8 9

6. Did you know that Ravenbeak shares many similarities to Touhou's Utsuho Reiuji (Okuu)? For example, both are ravens, they have large wings and an arm canon, very similar attacks including a damm solar flare attack. Maybe someone at Mercury Steam liked Subterranean Animism...

1 9


東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.より




29 83

being under the weather I had a brain fart and meant to include this sexy stunner

let's try this again..

"Animism" by 😍

3 16

It is true that dragons, demons, gods, & spirits influence magic and can guide the sorcerer who wields it.
Each school of magic has different view on what magic is & how it works: Animism, Elementalism, and Mentalism.

Back Dragonbane on Kickstarter!

7 42

I use the technique of drawing on top of photographs to populate contemporary animism, where mere "objects" come to life.
This work is a drawing on a photograph of potatoes.

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[Just Stay Still for Me ほーら、じっとしてて……]•[Animism Messenger アニミズム・メッセンジャー] Tojo Nozomi(東條希)

14 49