Pride Month Challenge Day 7: Velma Mystery Inc.
Mystery inc was a show I watched religiously and to find out the creator created her as a lesbian was amazing!

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Pride Month Challenge Day 4: Catra
Took a little nostalgia dive to my days in the she ra fandom, glad to be able to draw Catra again!

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Pride Month Challenge Day 2: Vi
She’s my fav from arcane, I’m glad I was able to draw fanart for this awesome show.

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Using stuff hanging around and going with flow of it all. It is fantastic to let loose and have fun. That is what this piece is all about.

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This piece today represents my fear of snakes. I wonder the next time I encounter one if I can remain calm. Would it slither away fast? Or would it be curious about me and stick around?

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Makes no difference to the fact we are all energy. There are many things we can not see but exists all the same.

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I am naturally weird and I like it like that. This piece reminds me of something you might see on the screen at some club… in the 60’s. How groovy!

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Completely foreign with no resemblance to what is on If one was to look for life out there in the great beyond then it might help to have a

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Sixth and last entry for .jen's ( Growing Art Challenge!
Here returns Anais Moonspire, the Twilight cleric that came before Anika Fuhe, the Undying warlock you already saw!

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April's Pink Moon. Tis the perfect moon for my birthmonth! Featuring Spruce and Mani

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Things seem to take on a life of their own. Created with acrylics, ink, and neocolor II. A final varnish spray added for protection.

Not for Sale

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Second to last entry for .jen's ( Growing Art Challenge!
Everyone believes in the Blessed one, and Lia won't let them down. No more Black Tears will cross the world in the end...

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I finished it off with acrylic markers, colored pencils, and neocolors II. A final spray was added for protection.

Not for Sale

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Probably because I am tired or maybe it is that I feel worn out. Lots going on, lots to take care of.

Not for Sale

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We're more than halfway through with nty.jen's ( Growing Art Challenge!
There's not much space for smiles under the mask of the Alias, the faceless warlock whose patron saviour is also her worst enemy.

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