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Pride Month Challenge Day 14: Mitch Downe
#paranorman #mitchdowne #pridemonthartchallenge2022 #pride
Pride Month Challenge Day 12: Ash Lynx
Literally the only anime I cried to me thinks actually no nvm
#BANANAFISH #Ashlynx #pridemonthartchallenge2022 #pride
Pride Month Challenge Day 10: Tracer
One of my faves from overwatch
#Overwatch #traceroverwatch #pridemonthartchallenge2022 #lesbianpride
Pride Month Challenge Day 7: Velma Mystery Inc.
Mystery inc was a show I watched religiously and to find out the creator created her as a lesbian was amazing!
#velma #ScoobyDoo #lesbianpride #mysteryinc #pride #pridemonthartchallenge2022
Pride Month Challenge Day 4: Catra
Took a little nostalgia dive to my days in the she ra fandom, glad to be able to draw Catra again!
#catra #Shera #spop #pride #pridemonthartchallenge2022