Art stream tonight! Please come or I'll cry ;u;
Love youuuu

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Hell yeah brother I love sitting at my computer! I love it so much I'm gonna fuckin' stream tonight at 9PM CST and draw some shitposts for you guys! See you there!

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[Music [and Mic*?]
Int. 'Sweatpants' & 'Squirrel Appreciation Day' 

After much delay, Art Tyme ErryFloof 💕


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AAAAH!!! This might be my favorite digital painting so far!!👀🤍💙🖤 The reason I don't do digital paintings a lot is because it takes FOREVER to render!!!😂✋️ This one took me 30h in total to paint. But it looks SO cool!!!

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ゲリラ配信 】
Yes, I'm going to be streaming later instead of my normal time!
~11:00pm EST
~13:00 JST


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I drew Dawn for the drawing challenge! :3 super happy with how this came out.

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Free art! Gonna do an art stream tomorrow! Going to be drawing some characters so if you want yours drawn feel free to drop your PNGs. ❤

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Today is the day! I'll be drawing for the most part but Singing redeem is reduced points today! I happen to be in a singing mood!
Mic is made by

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Let's finish sketching out that Nahida 😭 drawing I started last week!

~1:00pm EST
~03:00 JST


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Nearly forgot to post this badass Chicken as a thank you for the amazing !
Small artwork ~ 20h

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Working on Comms come n chill - It's been a while!!


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Found out my classes start next Friday. I'm planning on resuming Jem: Roll For Fashion series and artstreaming until then . Join me for AMAs, and get some info on my thesis (a pitch bible and pilot called Kitchen Witch).

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pupper uppeupepurr grr

💰 Commission Prices || 🍓 ArtStream

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