The FINAL winner from is finally here! Meet Prospectoro, The Gold Miner Pokémon! Thank you to all who participated in this contest, and here’s to more contests to come! School starts Tomorrow, so I’m glad I got these done in time.

4 30

🚘 I’m a driver. I take people where they need to go.

➡️ Read the story: + submit your fiction!✍🏻

5 15

is finally done! Thank you to all your wonderful submissions, but meet the final starters: Vacaquero and Delitatile! I still need to find a Krystkros evo design that clicks, so all starters will be done once that fateful day arrives. Winners in comments.

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yeah i'm watching a stream of someone playing it

there's this og character called yuno astarte and her voice struck me as familiar, but my brain couldn't bring up her name ffs

then i googled it, it's minami takahashi!!

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According to the Codex Astartes, you should always keep your power armour on when painting! Show us what Warhammer you're working on in the comments.

21 322

Astartes is trending at 12:09AM?

3 33

Instead of doing a pre-heresy Astartes, today I thought I would do something a little different, so here is a Thunder Warriors Primarch I guess.

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"Primordial gods hear me screGWWARGLHEMARGH"
— Unknown lord of Heretic Astartes right before the "ascension".

25 380

An Iron Hands marine during the Great Crusade, bringing some crappy world into compliance.
Never drawn the 10th legion OR Mk. II armour before, so this was all a first for me, which is weird given I've been drawing Astartes since the early 2000s.

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AdeptUS Astartes

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Batman- if he had all of the Astartes implants + training of the Astartes while also keeping his intelligence(it’s added on with all the history he knows while in the 40k universe which is barely any) and his skills


Konrad curze- no buffs or nerfs just basic Konrad

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It's Monday and I got a request for half a Blood Angel: Dominion Zephon.

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Depende que tan dispuesto estes de gastarte almenos el 90% de tu presupuesto en protogemas, no caigas en el vicio otra vez XD aaaaah

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