Awesome piece of featuring (the best version) versus One day I will find a better quality image of this! Without the weird green text in the corner!

4 83

Some amazing oldhammer genestealer cult minis. What do you think they made the base grating with?

4 67

A Warhound titan in the war griffons scheme. What do you think? I like the mottled armour.

2 35

Oldhammer titan crew! Which one is your fave? I like the helmet on the left hand chap.

6 49

Just what doe insquisitor Draco have on his banner? Is that a grim reaper? It’s a fantastic piece regardless!

12 104

This piece isn’t seen or used very often, I think it was from either confrontation or Necromunda. It appears to portray the spider clan up against maybe Eschers? I know those blue demon things are back!

3 38

One of my all time fave pieces of art here featuring the genestealer cult. I love those colours. Do you know which issue of white dwarf it graced the cover of?

8 81

TECHMARINE on jetbike. Check out that crotch rocket. It looks like the tip might fire out? Who knows.

0 12

A new spiky lad on the patreon! With resin copies coming to the webstore this weekend!

1 2

Does this art stir any emotions in you? If so which ones?
I remember thinking, that’s a lot of red!

3 28

Thought I’d draw this absolute unit. Nothing says Blood Bowl quite like an ogre with a Mohawk! I love Blood Bowl, but I almost never get to play it.

4 35

And here’s the next concept! A goblin wizard whose head is awfully close to exploding! I can’t wait to see what does with this one!

1 13

Can you name this land raider variant? Also check out the little huts! Epic!

1 16

Ca you name this inquisitor? Double internet cookies if you can name the book cover the art appeared on!

5 57

WIP Necromunda ganger 1 & 2, all those washed out colours I’m out my comfort zone but it’s fun flicking a brush around random fashion

6 60