Here's a new artwork from me featuring my OC Hana nude with a Polka-dot board covering herself.

This image is based on an episode of Akibaranger showing a character in this situation.

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"At the Mountains of Madness" arte de François Baranger.

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Episode 8 of Abaranger is basically them showing you how they would do an Ultra Series. Judging by the grunts and sounds of this purposely done copy, they went for a more Tiga style approach with him, ironic if you remember what happens in this episode.

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I've come to remind you that Abaranger shares the same premise behind it's world building to that of the Super Mario Brothers movie 🗿👌

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"No estaría traicionando al espíritu de aquella cosa si digo creía percibir en ella, de forma simultánea, las figuras de un pulpo, un dragón,Una cabeza viscosa y cubierta de tentáculos destacaba sobre un cuerpo grotesco y escamoso con unas alas rudimentarias

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“At the Mountains of Madness”, illustrated by François Baranger. 😍

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En poco más de dos semanas se publicará el primer tomo de "En las montañas de la locura", ilustrado por François Baranger por la editorial Te lo cuenta nuestro compañero

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🦑The really great shock came when we stepped over and undid one tarpaulin; there were two here, both stiffly frozen, perfectly preserved, wrapped with patent care to prevent further damage. They were the bodies of young Gedney and the missing dog🎨François Baranger🦑#Lovecraft

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Une lecture divertissante, un roman d'aventure plus que sympathique, Dominium Mundi de François Baranger ( ) est une réussite :

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Et je me lance enfin dans Dominium Mundi de François Baranger publié chez qui était dans ma PAL depuis plusieurs années... Le côté croisade me fai(sai)t peur !

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Your favorite characters by color! 🍌💛

My color : Yellow

My characters : Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica), Yumeria Moegi (Akibaranger), Selphie Tilmitt (Final Fantasy VIII), King Kittan (Gurren Lagann).

Like or comment and I will give you a color 💛

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drawing of Abara Red from Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger from 4-7-2020

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White Ranger has always been my favorite Ranger so I'm really glad I had the chance to work on this, It was so much fun! Based on a original cosplay by

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Une autre page des Montagnes Hallucinées Volume 2 et détail par François Baranger Sublime ! Pour rappel : vous pouvez avoir des tirages de ses illustrations ici :

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🦑Of such great powers there may be conceivably a survival of a hugely remote period when consciousness was manifested in forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity; forms of which legend alone have called them gods & monsters🎨Baranger🦑#Cthulhu

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"La grande barrière de glace", nouveau édition d'art de l'artiste François Baranger dans la série dédiée Lovecraft. Dispo maintenant ici Tirage de 120 ex numérotés et signés

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¡Buenos días con arte! La ilustración de hoy es de François Baranger

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Spectacular sample by François Baranger from this illustrated version of H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu”. You can click on the link below for more if interested:

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