all the flowers in this design are native irish wildflowers that come into bloom around summertime:
the yellow flowers are cowslips (primula veris), the pink ones are common centauries (centaurium erythyraea), and the lilac ones are sea asters (aster tripolium).

0 1

Do you remember on Alpha Centauri we listened to the music of the spheres? А помнишь на Альфа Центавра мы слушали музыку сфер?

1 7

i may have completely overhauled these guys visually but they're still basically the same characters haha

introducing the new charlene fregie centauri and zephyrine!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 27

Adoro esta ballena jjjj

El segundo fue una practica de render

1 15


We're building something that hasn't been seen in the Solana NFT space.

Not your generic roadmap, oversaturated copypaste project. We're building something new.

In this thread, we explain our project. 🧠

A 🧵, (1/11)

227 200

Lockon Straturo, a centaurian combination of 's Lockon & my Ruschia. Will have to brick this up one day.

2 11

Ya hice un hilo muy largo de mi opinión sobre centauria, la conclusión fue: que es una serie hecha con mucho cariño, que quiere ofrecerte algo más que chistes bobos sacados de la nada así que (aunque sé que fue popular por una semana) igual quise hacerle este fanarts

0 1

First 1/1 piece on is already listed.

Just on auction starting at 1$ 🔥
Just one edition !!!
Only in
finish in 24h ⏰


3 5

Centauria (Centaurworld - 2t, finalizada)

Coged a un personaje de Avatar y enviadlo a Hora de Aventuras, además haced que canten, eso todo es Centauria. La serie cabalga (je) siempre entre la lineal de lo estúpido y grotesco y lo dramático y serio, ¡pero que canciones, por dios!

0 1

Neoteric astrophysics research reveals another planet in The Habitable Zone of Proxima Centauri (nearest star to our solar system at 4.3 Light Years): the system is young (5 billion years) & red dwarf star planets evolve slowly as the stars develop over 100 billion years

1 5

NixelJixel x MetaWarden = The MetaWarden Cat [base on Metawarden

your art inspired me.
let's go to alpha centauri

you can find me at

44 65