Живописная работа «Юный ангел». Моделью служил служил молодой и прекрасный Майкл Шин.#infinitepainter

1 11

Can you spot the two immortal beings that shape-shifted so they can relax and have a nice afternoon at the bathhouse for free?

Tell me if you can spot them :3

76 259

Classical painting as reference for Good Omens art madness. Painting reference is The Storm, 1880. Pierre-Auguste Cot.

19 88

Sorry for spilling ink all over your face, Bill. I’m not sorry for the Johnny Bravo hair, though. 🫠🤣 https://t.co/zMrPooA5qQ

3 17

LA serie. Después no digan que no sabían. 👼🏼👿🔱☁️☀️🔥

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Waiting patiently for my Ineffable Husbands to come back in 2023 (well I say patiently...)

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Предпраздничное настроение вместе с ангелом Нового года. Скушайте волшебное яблочко и будьте счастливы)))

1 6

Even had a few guest appearances from AKA the welsh sugar-man and of course...

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