Exactly One Year Ago <3

A page of our beautiful youth
Let’s write it together
I wanna fill it up
With memories with you
(Come on!)

4 15

スリランカの思い出 その④

1 86

いっぱい食べるはわが好き〜day61 おやき

16 52

보검씨, 28번째 생일을 진심으로 축하합니다.
이 세상에 태어나 줘서 고마워요.
늘 행복하시기를 바랍니다.

"당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람"

마음은 언제나 곁에 있어요🍀🍀🍀
많이 많이 축복합니다🍀🍀🍀

개나리 케이크입니다🎂


98 239

Happy Birthday (*゚▽゚ノノ゙☆パチパチ


23 43

自粛するねこ DAY61
まとめ https://t.co/H3Orc2pNxk
LINEスタンプ https://t.co/yySiadpM0A

115 632


100 days Tumurin. Day61

6 56

DAY6 1st win ft the space!!
우주에 제일 멋있는 슈퍼밴드 데이식스🌌
its kinda late but, Congratulations!!

[ EveryDay6byDFI August ]

12 19

After so many years of hard work and amazing songs Day6 finally got their first win!! (And their second win just now!) I couldn't be happier for them 😭💙

Can't wait to see what they bring us in the future ✨ Congratulations!!

22 36

I'm a little late but!! the biggest of congratulations to our super band 💖 y'all have worked so hard to get here, and I know there's only more great things in store 🍀✨

364 597