画質 高画質

After a long time of not posting
I'm back with a Young k fanart (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

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Turned another one into a digital art and this time YoungK :)

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— thank you 2022 —

it has been another healing year ✍🏻✨


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(painting study) โปรไฟล์ติดบัตร?😶🐱

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ok i know my twitter audience is small but pls reply and lmk which art prints you’d like most! i needa know how many to order ☺️

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remember when yonk ate all that sashimi and reacted to day6 vids on v live 🥺

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brunch spread with jje 🥑

for day 23: sprout

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