Deno the ringtailed lemur is like Ravns emotional support pet but also his closest friend. Where he is, you'll find a curious lemur roaming about too lol. They've been a pair since his childhood.♡

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hello!!! my name is Deno and im a minor trans artist. I mostly draw and animate wc :]]

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im Deno!! im a minor transboy artist that mostly draws and animates warriros!

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This is my OC Ravn and his ringtailed lemur girl Deno: they have been a team since he was a toddler, when she escaped a circus and was found by him. Ravn is a breed named dracoreas from my webcomic Era of Iridore.^^

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Introduction to Deno: A Secure JavaScript & TypeScript Runtime

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絵はしっかりペン入れして、#モグモグ男子 の次のイラストテーマにしようと思います。

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Node.jsの後悔から生まれた新しい実行環境・Deno入門 〜簡単なアプリケーション作成ハンズオン付き〜 | さくらのナレッジこんにちは!小田島です。ウェブ業界に来る前は手品業界で働いていました。最近は外出自粛で手品をやる機会が…

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Node.jsの後悔から生まれた新しい実行環境・Deno入門 〜簡単なアプリケーション作成ハンズオン付き〜 | さくらのナレッジ

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What Is Deno and Why Is Everyone Talking About It? by at

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Deno, my ringtailed lemur girl, loves to explore the village where she lives to check out what everyone is up to. If they are doing anything interesting in her view, she wants to be included one way or another, specially if it's play or involves shiny things lol.

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Happy Deno day! I did the illustration at v1.0 blog post.
Deno 1.0リリース記念イラストを担当しました!

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Deno 昨天发布了1.0版。它最吸引人的地方,还不是原生支持 TypeScript,而是另外两点:彻底抛弃了 NPM 那套模块逻辑,以及融合了 Rust 与 JavaScript。

我觉得,Node.js 跟它相比,除了生态巨大,想不出还有其他的技术优点。

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Deno v1.0.0 のリリース記事。なぜ JS/TS なのか、Promise の良さ、--unstable フラグについて、今後の見通しなどが説明されました。

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If you see this, quote retweet and tell us about your OC's!✨

This is Ravn, he is 4f.10" (1.50cm) his mom was a dragon nymph and his dad a werewolf/nymph. He is gay as heck and has the ability to control fire. Owns a lemur named Deno and is possessed by a hellhound

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Hey! I’m Deno and I slowly trying to learn how to paint, specially digital! ✍🏻

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Book design I did for Deno Licina in 2019. Cover, layout and illustrations done by me. 💙🔥

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i haven't drawn Deno all 2020 so here they are!

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