humanoid form now done heres one of the main characters to my mates on going story. mezzo the dragon

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one of the main characters to my mates ongoing story, a dragon named mezzo. will draw his human form later :3

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was watching some old among us vids with jack and them and got inspired to doodle this up XD

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ill probably draw her in full armor later but have a rabbit folk knight named rose

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an update of my jester oc and possibly an rl made Halloween costume

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taking a moment from my projects to make a good magic boi <3 this is rune, my spell caster lamia. he uses an enhanced alchemical prosthetic ever since a horrid spell backfired robbing him of his real arm.

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the warrior drones are the largest of the drones and able to use trees and such as crude weapons to defend the spore queen or collective, or to attack a settlement/ party.

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the roper drones are placed around newly acquired areas or near humanoid settlements to help spread the rot and spores for the myconids collective. all while sending its visuals to the spore queen constantly.

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the common drones of my black cap threat, they work to transport the ropers, bring back food for the spore queen, or just all around defense.

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to add onto the D&d campaign sketches here's a spore/ plague touched i designed. as this mysterious plague clouded the land, and the monstrous black cap myconids followed horrors such as these began to spread.

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so been on a hollow knight kick so have some of my own bug knight doodles.

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the gibbering god, the cause of mass manic and destruction, my god of chaos ellzeph.

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okay this is probably my favorite deity ive made so far, this is the god of the cross roads, of the traveler, of the whispered words in dark alleys. he is tosep, god of trickery and deceit.

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on a bit of a goddess kick XD heres my new egyptian themed: alument goddess of lost rituals.

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my fantasy detective character much later in the story a mates writing. shit goes sideways by that point XD

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meet my favorite half goblin oc named luca <3

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** they think they're prettier then I?? **cuts, scratches, and breaks pieces of oneself* be...better...must..change... I am vanity ** am I not..beautiful?

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meet autumn and her pact summoned wraith named void.autumn is a necromancer born from a family of druids..she ended up running away at an early age.she has a true love of the beauty of bones, to the point she enjoys them more then people.

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