The tried and true way of killing a terrible monster that terrorizes Spear-Danes is to rip off its arm during glorious hand-to-hand combat in a splendid meadhall in the darkest depths of the night. 🖼John Howe

6 40

“Battle not with monsters, for then you become one.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Art: “Faust” Kin Pong (2010)

2 10

How do you kill the hydra? Well, it depends.
Burning the neck to prevent regeneration is a recent version featuring additional help: the storyteller is trying to explain why labors were originally 10 and now we count 12. Sorry, Heracles: this one doesn't count.

9 30

Perseus attacked Medusa, using Athena's polished shield to view the reflection of her awful face and avoid her petrifying gaze while he beheaded her with a harpe, an adamantine sword.

2 15

“But in the meantime a boy had run up with a pitchfork, and he dabbed the wolf from behind: in the same moment it became changed, and all saw that the boy had killed the man’s wife” (S. Baring-Gould)

Welcome to a garlic-garnished Darklings!

RTs 'til 10pm CET

4 36

A combative Perseus carrying Medusa’s head, riding the winged horse, Pegasus, descends to rescue Andromeda and slay the sea monster, Cetus with his magical sword.
🎨Giuseppe Cesari

20 69

"derived from a circumstance which happened about 200 years ago, almost too ridiculous to be credited” ~ village of Renwick

a weasel is immune to the stare of a Cockatrice, but only the branch of a rowan tree can kill it!

10 39

Prompt: "A Faustian transhumanist sorceress in the style of cyberpunk noir, digital art" (#StableDiffusion)

5 26

The Triple Hekate, William Blake, 1795. Hekate, the Goddess of the Crossroads, Maiden, Mother, Crone. Dog, Snake and Horse. Hekate pitied Queen Hecuba who drowned herself after the Fall of Troy, resurrecting her as a pet black she-dog, free of all memory of grief

1 8

Rán and Ægir have nine daughters who live in the ocean and tend to be a bit homicidal (particularly where ancient Scandinavian sailors are concerned). 🖼️Rim Bitik for

9 40

The weird sisters or fates in a mari form whichever you choose the mari’s will oblige

10 54

The word witch dates from around 800 AD. It referred to men who practised witchcraft, but 200 years later it referred to female magicians and sorceresses. Later it meant women who cooperated with the devil
Source: A Glossary of Witch Words

19 66

"Is that all true, Mère Pinquèle?" he said.
"Oh, quite true, and not only that, the best part is yet to come; for they take a child and—" Here Mère Pinquèle showed her fang-like teeth.
"Oh! Mère Pinquèle, are you a witch too?"
— 'The Other Side' (1893) 3/3

4 28

Wishing everybody a fabulous

Nymphs Dancing to Pan’s Flute, by Joseph Tomanek, c.1920.

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Today's ends now. And while it's all things over here again, share lore of haunted mines and the crafting of cursed gems with Sam and celebrate dark, weird literature with

🖼️ J. Panuška

7 18

A vampire-like creature apparently stalked the streets of Alnwick, England in 1196, spreading plague in its wake. Two local men dug it up and attacked it with a spade before destroying the monster, thus ending its reign of terror [My AI Image]

15 88

Cerberus, three-headed, snake-tailed dog of Hades, guarded the entrance to the underworld, to prevent the souls of the dead from ever leaving...

🎨William Blake

4 25

Alright hi! Gem based magical girl Crystal here! So signed my soul away to faustian gods got powers destroyed the world once. Was sealed away But the desires of people from the recovering world and maybe other worlds broke the seal and now I’m here to redeem myself and give hope!

0 1

In 'The Were-Wolf' (Clemence Housman, 1896), a family living in the woods waits for one of the eldest sons to come home in a snow storm. As they huddle together, they're haunted by a quiet voice at the door calling "Open, open; let me in!" 1/5

29 118

A vampire can be prevented from leaving its grave in the first place by stuffing the entrance with woven linen. It has to remain behind to disentangle and straighten the threads...


24 81