"It is asserted that on Christmas morning the ass kneels down in adoration of Christ, and if a person can manage to touch the cross on the back of the animal at that particular moment the wish of his heart will be granted, whatever it may be" (Lady Jane Wilde)

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Salutations, dear Bibliophiles✨
Saturday is BookCat’s catnap day. You can find today’s hashtag fun with our pals at

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In Flanders a wizard loved to surprise the children with a puppet show. He often gave them a puppet to take home as well. It was said the puppets were malicious. More than once a woman tried to burn the puppets but nothing could destroy them.

🎨Sara Riches

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A Pantomime tradition and superstition is that the Fairy always enters from the Right (Stage Right) and the Demon from the Left (Stage Left).

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Some believe brought a curse upon his own ‘Scottish Play’ by using authentic spells in the witches’ dialogue. Eerie happenings, including deaths on stage, over the last 400 years mean that now no one says ‘Macbeth’ in a theatre for fear of bad luck.

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A Flemish tale says a werewolf who didn't want to be a werewolf anymore had to revisit all the villages he had brutally attacked while he was chased by thousands of little devils. Only then was he liberated from his duties as a wolf.

🎨Liga Klavina Raiska

45 191

Look & see the saddle markings
Where the fairy warriors rode them.
(As they ride them still at midnight,
On Midsummer's Eve at midnight,
When we mortals all are sleeping.)
–Anne G. Biddlecombe.

This poem fixed the Pembrokeshire Corgi into fairy folklore.

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My brother warned me that if I whistled in a graveyard, a ghost would follow me. He was right.

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from my grandmother

Don’t break mirrors
Don’t step on cracks
Always wish on the first star you see

art by Oskar Herrfurth

18 104

Salutations, dear Bibliophiles✨
Saturday is BookCat’s catnap day. You can find today’s fabulous hashtag fun with our pals at and

(art bySei Koyanagui)

11 82

"These Tuatha were great necromancers, skilled in all magic, and excellent in all the arts as builders, poets, and musicians."
(Lady Jane Wilde "Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms & Superstitions of Ireland)

🎨 Stephen Reid

with a bow to

31 107

Chilli peppers will turn out hotter if you plant them while angry.

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The mandrake was linked with myths and magic, being one of the ingredients of the witches’ ‘flying ointments’ in the Middle Ages. In ancient legends, when the plant was uprooted it would scream, killing anyone who heard it.

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Oak, Ash & Thorn are trees sacred to the Celts, especially when found growing together. The oak brings healing & protection along with prosperity & luck. The ash brings prophecy & healing, & the hawthorn symbolises fertility & is a tree sacred to faeries.

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“There is a mortal amongst us,” they said. “Let us drown him.” (Lady Jane Wilde)

Ireland's fae folk has a downright malevolent streak and it often needs more than one supernatural agent to save a stricken human from their mischief

🎨 Bauer

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The "pagaíños" ('little pagans') live in Northern mountains. They are small, unkempt, long-haired beings that dwell underground. They do not like to interact with humans, although they can be seen dancing (with great dexterity) on top of certain rocks.

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In Cumbrian dialect, 'hollin' is holly. During the winter months holly is brought into the home to protect it from malevolent faeries, or allow benevolent ones to shelter therein without friction with the human hosts.

art: John Anster Fitzgerald

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🍀🍄🍀Clover was believed to protect humans and animals from the spells cast by Faeries - and carrying a four-leaved clover was said to bestow the ability to see them.

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🌿🌗🌿Ancient hollow Yews - living doorways between the present, the past and a mythic reality, where longbows and silver-tipped arrows are your only defence...

📚Books back in stock!

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To meet the Devil here, one placed a frog, caught under a full moon, in an anthill. It was then necessary to go to a crossroads where five roads met and, during the midnight bell, to invoke him. The Devil was then said to appear on one of the five roads.

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