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Upcoming Release Schedule:
4/17 #StephenKing's #Firestarter
4/24 Firestarter (1984)
5/01 Stephen King's It Part 1 & Interlude 1
5/08 Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002)
5/15 Stephen King's It Part 2 & Interlude 2
5/22 Firestarter (2022)
5/29 Stephen King's #It Part 3 & Interlude 3
On this day in 1996 The Prodigy went number 1 in the singles chart with ‘Firestarter’
Please consider donating ANY amount to support Hyperagua Studios. https://t.co/aN2OCYhNGp
#incineroar #pokemon #sunandmoon #pokemonalola #alolanstarter #alolafirestarter #tigerpokemon #fakemon #gamer #gameboy #alola #dailyart #artist #anime #japan #japanese #whatif #pokedex
Updated Release Schedule:
2 of 2
4/17 #StephenKing's #Firestarter
4/24 Firestarter (1984)
5/01 Stephen King's It Book 1 & Interlude 1
5/08 Firestarter 2: Rekindled
5/15 Stephen King's It Book 2 & Interlude 2
5/22 Firestarer (2022)
5/29 Stephen King's #It Book 3 & Interlude 3
9thgen Firestarter Fuecoco
Here’s the other Pokémon starter I’m thinking of using in the new games because I usually pick the fire starter #pokemon #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonfucoco #fuecoco #newpokemongames #nintendo #nintendogames #ninethgenstarters
A jolly pepper croc ✨🐊
#fuecoco #pokemonreveal #pokemongen9 #pokemon #pokemonfan #pokemonscarlet #pokemonviolet #firestarter #gen9starter #pokemonstarter #gen9pokemon #pokemonart #pokemonfan #pokemonartist #teamfuecoco
The word for male Crocodile is Bull, female crocodiles are called Cows #checkmate #chinesezodiac #firestarter #Fuecocoisthebull #ifCyndaquilistherat #andFennekinisthedog #Pokemon #gen9starters
A sleepy cocoa croc ❤️🐊
#fuecoco #pokemonreveal #pokemongen9 #pokemon #pokemonfan #pokemonscarlet #pokemonviolet #firestarter #gen9starter #pokemonstarter #gen9pokemon #pokemonart #pokemonfan #pokemonartist
Working on some spicy crocs ✨🐊
#fuecoco #pokemonreveal #pokemongen9 #pokemon #pokemonfan #pokemonscarlet #pokemonviolet #firestarter #gen9starter #pokemonstarter #gen9pokemon #pokemonart #pokemonfan #pokemonartist
I love the new Pokémon designs. The pepper croc is my choice. #pokemon #pokemonlegendsarceus #pokemongo #nintendo #switch #spicy #pepper #fuecoco #firestarter
This lil guy is growing on me, will it be an apple snake tho 🤔🤔🤔#Fuecoco
credit @imbigdavetoo
#charfam #pokemon #PokemonScarletViolet #pokemongen9 #charizard #firetype #firestarter
From the Medallion series, behold my latest ones: FUECOCO, SPRINGATITO, QUAXLY!
Hope you like it!
#pokemon #fuecoco #pokemonescarlatayvioleta #pokemonpurple #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonscarlet #firestarter #springatito #quaxly
They give me BIG super mario vibes and I’m hyped to have 6 on my team already!!
#fuecoco #pokemonreveal #pokemongen9 #pokemonpresents #pokemonscarlet #pokemonviolet #firestarter #gen9starter #pokemonstarter #gen9pokemon #sprigatito #quaxly
Infernape X Rillaboom PokeFusion
#pokemon #fakemon #fanart #pokefusion #pokemonfusion #villiamboom #firestarter #rillaboom #infernape #chimchar #grookey
i also cosplayed tia, thanks nami and firestarter for helping me put it together 🤣
Tell us your colors, listeners...we do hope they're all green!
Episode 28 is now live! This week we're chatting about BDSM fics with author CBFirestarter. We've got all kinds of kink to discuss, so check out the thread for links!⤵️🧵 1/3
El nuevo póster de #Firestarter toma su tipografía directamente del logo de la novela original de Stephen King. La película, por cierto tiene BSO de John Carpenter, ¡que estuvo a punto de dirigir la primera versión de la película!